Blended Finance: Cofides presents its experience to Latin American and Caribbean development bankers
March 15, 2019.- The Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions (ALIDE) and the Spanish Development Finance Institution (Cofides) are jointly organizing the international seminar “How to Implement Blended Finance in the Region: The Spanish experience through Cofides,” to be held at ALIDE’s institutional headquarters in Lima, Peru, on April 4 and 5.
The purpose of the seminar is to present Cofides’ experience in organizing blended finance operations –a financial instrument with a combined public and private capital contribution– for eligible projects that require a nonreimbursable contribution in order to be viable from a financial, economic and/or technical viewpoint, and that exert a strong impact on the development of the partner countries.
The methodology to be applied in the seminar combines the presentation of information by two experts –Spanish citizens, María Vidales Picazo, with a Doctorate in Economics; and Julia Rabadán, with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Science–, with the participation of representatives of member banks, who will disclose their institutions’ experiences.
Cofides is known to be a state commercial corporation created in 1988. It facilitates medium and long-term financing for viable private projects that will contribute, under a for-profit criterion, to both the development of the countries receiving the investments and to the internationalization of the Spanish economy and companies.