53rd ALIDE General Assembly in Honduras
ALIDE and BANHPROVI, with the sponsorship of the Government of Honduras, cordially invite you to attend the 2023 Annual Meeting of ALIDE, to be held at the Copantl Hotel Convention Center, in San Pedro Sula (Honduras), from Wednesday, May 31 to Friday, June 2, 2023.
The key theme of the General Assembly, “Developing the intrinsic potential of Latin America and the Caribbean before the world: role and challenges of the development banking system,” will be addressed by means of presentations made by outstanding members of the international and Latin American financial communities. The aim will be to explore LAC’s potential for forging international economic relations with the various regions of the world and attracting world class investments and enterprises by mobilizing the very internal capacities and capital of the foreign parties.
The topics on the agenda include taking up the «Role of public policy in attracting world class investors,”
«Emerging factors that are redefining world trade: Opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean » and «Infrastructure finance as a supporting element for the region’s competitiveness in the world. »
In addition, a seminar will be held on “Central America and the world: challenges and opportunities,” in order to provide an overview of the situation in, and potential for, development of the Central American region, share experiences in finance, fund-raising, knowledge and cooperation between Central America’s Development Banks and those of Latin America and the Caribbean.
These subjects will also be discussed with the world’s foremost global investors, insofar as areas of great importance for the region’s development are concerned, such as international trade and issues in building economies resilient to the new climate conditions, to wit: climate change-resilient infrastructure and cities, support for entrepreneurs, SME innovation, international financial sources and private investment fund-raising, regional interconnectivity, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, and digital transformation.