The current situation of the use of Project Finance and Public-Private Participation in infrastructure are analyzed in Uruguay
- The initiative was announced by the president of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Werner Hoyer, and will be taken up as a recommendation to the Argentinean Presidency of the G20.
- ALIDE participated as an observer in the executive committee of the Long Term Investors Club (LTIC), an organization comprised of 18 financial institutions and institutional investors, mainly from the countries that comprise the G20.
September 25, 2018.- The National Development Corporation (CND) and the Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions (ALIDE) conduct the internship “Project Finance and Structuring of PPP” in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, on September 26, 27 and 28.
Within the framework of the internship, a team of specialists from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Bureau of Planning and Budget, the CND and other state organizations from Uruguay address the challenges posed in the use of these two tools.
They also share the management and processes in the structuring, implementation, monitoring and learned lessons of Project Finance, reviewing the technical, legal, risk-related, financial, operations, regulations, participants, among other aspects. In relation to the PPP, they examine their institutional framework, legal norms, project financing, risk mitigation, achievements and challenges.
Through talks with the public and private players directly linked to the project operations and the study of real cases for discussion, the internship brings about and strengthens the role that development financing institutions fulfill in the reduction of the gap in infrastructure needs in the region, through the use of these two key tools.
The CND greets at its headquarters executives from development banks that are members of ALIDE, from commercial banks and public-sector institutions from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, as well as international organizations such as the European Investment Bank (EIB) and CAF-Development Bank of Latin America.
About the CND
The CND’s mission is to be an integral facilitator for the execution of development-oriented public policies. It currently works along two lines of action: supporting the development of infrastructure and collaborating in the efficiency of the public sector through the administration of funds. Regarding infrastructure, the CND facilitates the execution of works and associated services, planning, directing and managing projects.